What if you could understand what makes you and your team thrive?

Have you ever wondered why some leaders and teams struggle with ineffectiveness and low productivity in spite of their tremendous talent and effort? Or why some individuals experience low morale and exhaustion in spite of being in a job they love?

This happens when we are forced to work in conflict our innate abilities.   The Kolbe System™ is a proven tool that gets to the core of how an individual  naturally takes action.  It’s not about IQ or personality it’s about the degree to which we instinctively gravitate towards four distinct problem-solving modes: 

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By focusing on the individual’s innate abilities, and how they interact with colleagues and managers, the system delivers insights that are validating and empowering.  The DPG Management team can use the Kolbe System™  to help transform the way leaders and teams work.   


Stop spinning your wheels
• Complete tasks more easily
• Feel more energized by your work
Understand which ways of working make you thrive and which ones burn energy
Modify your communication style based on your audience
Understand you don’t have to be good at everything to be great
Use your unique action mode to power your work


Reduce conflict and work more efficiently together
Have more productive and energizing meetings
Meet deadlines with greater ease
Assign team members to roles that fit their natural way of working and maximize their contribution
Reduce employee turnover
Improve communication among team members
Hire the type of talent the team is missing to be at its best

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